Thursday, 31 January 2008

Girl healing after removal of tumor

The Associated Press
January 31, 2008

JACKSONVILLE - She struggled through the murder of her father, homelessness and abandonment. Now the 12-year-old Cambodian girl is recovering after surgeons here successfully removed a lemon-size tumor from beneath her brain.

Buntheep Chun, a wisp of a girl with dark eyes and a slight smile, is staying at Ronald McDonald House after several surgeries, including one lasting about 20 hours at Wolfson Children's Hospital.

Buntheep began experiencing vision problems in October while staying at the Cambodian Christian Arts Ministry. A CT scan showed she had a tumor filling her head, said Gioia Michelotti, the school's director who accompanied Buntheep to the United States and serves as her translator.

She and Buntheep boarded a flight from Phnom Penh to Chicago, without knowing where the girl could receive treatment.

After landing in Chicago, they were notified that doctors and nurses at Wolfson would donate their services for free. The procedures would have cost about $1 million, hospital officials said.

Buntheep arrived Nov. 14 and was taken to the Children's Emergency Center, where she was met by Dr. Philipp Aldana, a pediatric neurosurgeon.After an MRI, Buntheep was diagnosed with a giant cell granuloma, a rare, benign tumor that had gotten so large that it had broken through the bones protecting the brain.

The next day, pediatric craniofacial and skull-base surgeon, Dr. Saswata Roy, and Aldana biopsied the tumor and removed part of it.On. Dec. 6, a team of doctors and nurses performed 20 hours of surgery on Buntheep.

The procedure called for removing her forehead, the upper part of the eye sockets, base of the skull, nasal bones and sinuses and the back of the septum, just to reach the tumor.

She was released to Ronald McDonald House on Jan. 11, but she will spend about three months in Florida before returning to Cambodia.


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