Thursday, 21 February 2008

Color-coded news for conspiracy theorists

Details are Sketchy
February 20, 2008

Can anyone explain the use of color-coded text at Khmer Intelligence? Forever the blog has used bold red type to indicate something approaching importance, for example

The Cambodia Daily reported that Chao Phally, a member of the SRP committee and party president for Kratie province, was rewarded with the position of advisor to Hun Sen with the rank of minister, and Hor Sopheap, a member of the SRP committee from Banteay Meanchey, was rewarded with the position of government advisor with a rank of secretary of state.
At some point KI then introduced bold blue type, the use of which has become more prevalent over time, even if its meaning is still completely elusive.

The Cambodia Daily also reported Chao Phally as saying: “I have sacrificed myself for the sake of democracy for a long time.”

And then today things have gone completely mental. It’s not just sentences now, but words. And not just red or blue, but red and blue, with some black in the middle, and oversized. If the use of blue was opaque, this tri-color stuff is absolutely mind-reeling.

Jacques Verges, nicknamed “the Devil’s advocate” for his defence of some of the world’s most notorious criminals, said Khieu Samphan would not speak to court officials until thousands of pages of evidence against him is translated into French.

Is De La Gar out of Thorazine? Or does this stuff actually mean something?

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