Tuesday, 26 February 2008

High Salt Ups Cancer Risk: Doctor

By Nuch Sarita,
VOA Khmer Washington
25 February 2008

Stomach cancer is the fourth-most leading cancer for Cambodians, thanks to a diet high in salt, a doctor said Thursday.

"An increased risk of stomach cancer is the diet containing large amounts of salt, like salted fish and meat, smoked fish and pickled vegetables," said Dr. Taing Tek Hong, as a guest on "Hello VOA."

Nitrates found in cured meats, such as those enjoyed at barbecues, can be converted into a bacteria that increases the risk of stomach cancer, he said, adding that people with blood type A have a statistically higher risk of developing the disease.

Red pepper is good for the stomach he said, but liquor was bad for the liver and pancreas.

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