Thursday, 21 February 2008

High school student is collecting quarters for Cambodia

Lindsay Farina is a Barrington High School student.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Barrington High School senior Lindsay Farina has been raising money for a safe water filtration system that will be donated to people in Cambodia. As part of her senior project, she is organizing a Cambodian dinner — it will taker place in the Barrington High School cafeteria on March 5.

The dinner will be from 6 to 8 p.m., and will feature authentic Cambodian cuisine from Hong Meas Restaurant located in East Providence, guest speaker Dara Pond, a brief Cambodian Presentation, some entertainment, and a raffle. Lindsay believes that people often take for granted the luxuries that we have. She feels that we need to give back to others who are in need of help.

How did you choose this senior project? "At a meeting I attended last year for the Barrington High School Interact Club, there were some members of the Warren Rotary Club speaking about a project that they were doing to raise money for Cambodian water filtration systems and literacy programs. After hearing the devastating statistics, I knew that there had to be something I could do to help. That's where my friend Katie and I came up with "Quarters for Cambodia," and this year for my senior project I thought that a fund-raising dinner would be a good way to raise a lot of money for the cause."

Have you ever been to Asia? "No, I haven't, but I think it would be a very interesting place to travel to."

Would you like to go to Cambodia one day? "Yes, one day. I would love to go and see how the money I am raising is benefiting and helping families in need."

What are your goals with the project? "I hope to have around 200 people or more at the dinner. My goal is to raise at least $1,000 dollars!"

How are you gathering quarters for Cambodia? "To gather money, I put collection cans around in stores. I check them periodically and collect their profits. The most beneficial way that I am gathering money is by selling the tickets for the dinner. Contributions are also greatly appreciated. The checks and donations can be made payable to Barrington High School Interact Club.

How much are tickets to the dinner? Where can they be purchased? "The tickets are $10 for adults, and $8 for students (and other young people). They can be purchased at Body Natural Fitness Center, The Barrington High School Front Office, or by contacting me at 247-1874."

Do you like Cambodian food? "Honestly, I have only tried a little of it."

What's on the dinner menu? "For dinner, there will be buffet style, a choice of chicken or beef, pad Thai noodles, white and fried rice, a vegetable stir fry, and some appetizers."

Where are you applying for college? "I applied for nursing at Rhode Island College, University of Rhode Island, and also to UMASS Dartmouth ... I want to be a nurse because I want to be able to make a difference in someone else's life ... just as the nurses did for my aunt when she was sick with cancer."

What's your favorite subject? "This year, my favorite subject is anatomy."

What else do you like to do? "I love hanging out with my friends, baby-sitting, listening to music, playing tennis, and doing community service."

Do you have a job? "Yes, I work at my dad's gym, Body Natural Fitness Center right here in town."

Who has made a difference in your life? "There have been several different people, but if I had to choose one it would be my grandma. She passed away but she has had a huge impact on my life and I think about her every day."

If you could have lunch with any three people, who would it be and why? "Oprah, my grandma, and my Auntie Mel. They are my three heroes and all gave back to the community in their own individual way."

What are some special memories you have of your grandmother? "We would always cook Italian food together. She was a great cook. I would also look forward to Wednesday night sleep-overs during the week when we would watch movies, play games, and shop together."

Why meet Oprah? "She is an inspirational person. She always gives back to others who are in need. She is one of the people who inspired me to take a stand for another country and put a plan into effect."

What's you ideal lunch? "I would have to say pasta. It is my favorite food and I would eat it for any meal."

Favorite movie, book and TV show? "This question is tough. I have a lot of favorites, but I would have to say 'Remember the Titans,' 'The Kite Runner,' and House."


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