The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 548
Meak Bochea Day commemorates the spontaneous gathering of monks to listen to the Buddha’s preaching.
Is it a sheer coincidence that on 18 February 2008, a memorial tablet with the list of Seven Sins which destroy a society, composed by Mahatma Gandhi, was officially inaugurated in Phnom Penh?
The Seven Sins list states:
1- Politics without principle.
2- Wealth without work.
3- Pleasure without conscience.
4- Knowledge without character.
5- Commerce without morality.
6- Science without humanity.
7- Worship without sacrifice.
Are these words, put up for the public by the head of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the head of the administration of the Capital City of Phnom Penh, going to usher in a new era of social and personal ethics in Cambodia?
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