Saturday, 16 February 2008

Spain's Queen Sofia is set to visit Cambodia later this month

During her trip, Sofia will visit the king at his palace and lay a bouquet of flowers at the Independent Monument.

The queen - who is married to King Juan Carlos - will fly to the South Asian country on February 19 for a three-day trip after accepting an invitation from Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni.

Chea Sokhom, deputy secretary general for the National Committee for Organizing National and International Festivals, said the queen's visit will strengthen co-operation and friendships ties between the two nations.

During her trip, Sofia will visit the king at his palace and lay a bouquet of flowers at the Independent Monument.

She will also go to the mines clearance fields of the Cambodian Mine Action Centre and some rural areas in Battambang province.

She will complete her trip with a visit to the Angkor Wat temples in the Siem Reap province.The queen is expected to return to Spain on February 22.

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