Tuesday, 25 March 2008

24.3.2008: Samdech Dekchor Told Politicians That They Should Recognize Their Own Weaknesses

Posted on 25 March 2008.
The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 553

“Kompong Chhnang: Samdech Dekchor Hun Sen told politicians [of other political parties] on 22 March 2008 that they should recognize their own weaknesses which led to rifts in their own parties, rather than trying to put the blame on their [former] party members.

“Referring to Norodom Ranariddh Party [NRP] leader Prince Norodom Ranariddh and Sam Rainsy Party [SRP] leader Mr. Sam Rainsy, Samdech Akak Moha Senapadei Dekchor Hun Sen said, ‘Please don’t try to cover your weaknesses. I guarantee that no one would be able to beat Hun Sen; only Hun Sen can beat Hun Sen.’

“Samdech Prime Minister sent this message to the public during a groundbreaking ceremony of a pagoda in Tuek Phos, Kompong Chhnang. He said that no one can beat the Cambodian People’s Party [CPP], only the CPP itself can do so. He said, ‘If the CPP members are not holding hands to reach out to the Cambodian people, but do bad things, then the CPP will be weak. If everyday we trod around here and there to violate the rights of the people, and if we do not do good things following Buddhism, who would believe Hun Sen? Therefore, those parties should recognize their own weaknesses.’

“Samdech Prime Minister also said that Mr. Nhek Bun Chhay was accused by Prince Ranariddh that he [Nhek Bun Chhay] is the one who split Funcinpec. As for Mr. Ngor Sovann and Mr. Sok Pheng, they were accused by their party leader of leading party members to leave the SRP and to defect to the CPP.

“Samdech Dekchor Hun Sen welcomed the senior SRP members who defected to the CPP, adding that ‘this is a good choice.’ Samdech Dekchor praised Mr. Ngo Sovann [a defector from the SRP], who also participated in the ceremony, for choosing the right path in order to develop the country as an intellectual.

“Samdech said that even with 57 political parties, it will be clear in the people’s minds what it means when they see intellectuals choosing the ruling CPP. This is the way they can help develop the country.

“Almost ten thousand people participated in the ceremony. This pagoda was first constructed in 1995. It cost about US$212,500. Samdech also showed his thanks to those who contributed to the construction of the pagoda. He encouraged all generous people to maintain the spirit of sharing, in order to construct the nation more and more.” Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.7, #1600, 23-24.3.2008

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