Saturday, 8 March 2008

Cambodia to expand international airport
07 March 2008

Access to Cambodia is set to be improved in the future, with plans to expand Sihanoukville airport, according to reports.

The government is set to invest around $35m (£17.3m) as it attempts to develop the Cambodian tourism industry.

Finance minister Keat Chhon said that the developments will turn Sihanoukville airport into a thriving international hub, according to the Cambodia Daily newspaper.

Larger aircraft will be able to land at the airport, with runways set to be extended to 2,500 metres this year and eventually to 4,000 metres.

The expansion plans have been enabled by a loan that was given to Societe Concessionaire des Airports, the company that operates Sihanoukville, along with Siem Reap and Phnom Penh airports.

Cambodia is situated in south-east Asia, where it is sometimes overshadowed by the more popular locations of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

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