Monday, 3 March 2008

Orion to debut in Asia in 2009
March 02, 2008

Orion Expedition Cruises, the Australian-based company Sarina Bratton launched with the 4,000gt Orion which arrived in Sydney Harbour on April 2, 2005, will make its debut in Asia in 2009.

A highlight of OEC’s 2009 itineraries released today is an 11-night ‘Gulf of Siam Explorer’ voyage from Singapore to Ho Chi Minh City on Sept. 29.

Orion will call at Tioman Island and Kuala Terengganu in Malaysia, Ko Samui and Ko Kood in Thailand and overnights in Cambodia’s Kampot for optional shore excursions to Angkor Wat.
Passengers will also overnight in Ho Chi Minh City before disembarkation.

On Oct. 10 the ship sails from Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore on an 11-night ‘Vietnam Explorer’ cruise. She will overnight in Da Nang before calling at Nha Trang and Vung Tau in Vietnam, Sihanoukville in Cambodia and Ko Phangan in Thailand.

Also new next year is a two-day stay at Norfolk Island during a 19-night ‘Norfolk and Melanesian Islands Discovery’ voyage through the South Pacific from Auckland to Rabaul on Feb. 27 and ‘Wildlife Adventure’ expeditions from Tasmania to sub-Antarctic islands in December.

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