Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Speeding border marking with Cambodia

Vietnam News

PHNOM PENH — Viet Nam and Cambodia have affirmed their determination to speed up the land border demarcation and landmark planting to finish the work by 2012.

The two sides expressed their determination at a meeting of the Joint Committee on Land Border Demarcation and Landmark Planting which took place in Phnom Penh from February 29 to March 1.
The two sides agreed to identify all remaining positions on the map and build border landmarks at all major positions, considering these to be their key tasks in 2008.

The Vietnamese delegation to the meeting was led by Vu Dung, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, head of the National Border Committee and Chairman of the Viet Nam-Cambodia Joint Border Commission.
The Cambodian delegation was headed by Var Kim Hong, senior minister in charge of border affairs and Chairman of the Cambodia-Viet Nam Joint Border Commission.

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