Monday, 21 April 2008

Brightly Red Blood April 17 Day, Sihanouk Vengeance

Courtesy of Khmerology at
By Kok Sap
April 17, 2008

On March 30,2008 Dith Pran, the lone Killing Fields advocate lost his life to deadly disease, pancreatic cancer, without seeing the ECCC rendering justice to the crimes against humanity spearheaded by Sihanouk FUNK/GRUNK at Hanoi sponsorship. To be exact 18 days before the infamously 38th anniversary of April 17, 1975, which left Cambodia gruesome experiences for generations to wonder?

This day made the day Siam raided Angkor citadel and Viet’s Canal Vinh Te mass murder a far less shameful. On such day millions of family, lover, wife, husband, friends, children, parent and future were literally in the zero state. Simply, one owns nothing not even own life. This day everyone trusted no other but self in order to escape randomly execution. This day was the hatred creation by one man of all politics color namely Norodom Sihanouk. This man has no remorse and whatever but to boast day in and day out he is the heroic one.

This day millions mourn and grieve deep down inside while the supreme culprit lives comfortably in his palaces. This day millions saw enemies as saviors. This day Cambodia failed own self righteousness and natural laws because of one man, Norodom Sihanouk, fanaticism and endless greed. He treats this day as his victory and heroism while the entire country population swam in own tears and blood. This day the whole world turned its other cheek toward Cambodia. This day shall be the remembrance and lesson that Sihanouk remains the one who put millions in tragedy.

The generation born after 1979, had not have learned the truth. Many are confused and fell in the same path as Sihanouk and his co conspirators did once during the war. The entire educational system was banned from learning own history and geographical facts. This created a new missing link on top of the Year zero survivors. The discord and hatred among fellow Cambodia born folks works its magic to self implosion. This day marks no truth prevalence, if the same tyranny and its originator ended up at the top again.

This day has turned many common men and women to be own victims. Many survivors are going through confusion and remorse to move across the oceans to make new homes. This day that Cambodia government turned people future into its game. This day made Cambodia the isle of peace floated in its own blood. Yet this day remains a mystery to Cambodians.

It has been over 500 years that Cambodia remains a missing link of humanity. This day thousands mourn and ponder quietly on such bloody day. Indeed millions fell at one delusional man filled with fanaticism that put Cambodia in such despicable state of mind and being.

This day as long as Sihanouk is still alive and never put on trial, victims will never see real justice delivered no matter how much fund the world spent on ECCC.

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