Monday, 21 April 2008

Mates share bond

RSL veteran Roy Chamberlain enjoys a special bond with mate Tony "Bomber" Bower-Miles. Photo: Chris McCormack

Courtesy of the
21 April 2008
By Blythe Seinor

Just under the surface of the ground across Cambodia, six to 10 million landmines are quietly waiting to explode.

They are the result of more than 50 years of warfare in the country and each one is potentially deadly to anyone who comes into contact with them.

Vietnam veteran Roy Chamberlain has made it his mission to help his good mate Tony “Bomber” Bower-Miles disarm the explosives one at a time.

The Dicky Beach grandfather joined Bomber in 2006 in his fourth year of trips to the country.
“It’s the most dangerous job in the world,” Roy admitted.

“You don’t think about it when you do it, otherwise you shouldn’t be doing it.”

But, for Roy, the end result is much more important than the dangers he might face along the way.

“We do it for the women and children,” he said.

“They’re the innocent ones being killed or cruelly maimed by these mines on an almost daily basis: little arms and legs missing, children blinded, that sort of thing”.

Aside from their work in Cambodia, Roy and Bomber share another common bond: they both fought in Vietnam.

“It’s like a bond, only once you’ve been (to war) and in it, you can understand,” Roy said.
“There’s nothing else that carries the same risk as armed men seeking out an armed enemy on the battlefield. There can only be one result when you meet.”

Roy said the effects of being in a war zone could last a lifetime. “You have intrusive dreams,” he said.

“The sights never leave you.

“You learn to push them into the back of your mind and get on with life.

“You have to.”

He said if he could send out a single message this Anzac Day it would be about the “futility of war”.

“Wars have got to end because it doesn’t solve anything and the cream of the country gets killed,” he said.

Roy and Bomber were recently featured on the ABC’s Australian Story.

People wanting to find out more about Roy and Bomber’s work can visit or phone Roy on 0437 922 166.

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