Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Prime Minister Hun Sen And Queen Bun Rany Hun Sen?

Mrs Bun Rany and Mr. Hun Sen.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Courtesy of Khmerization @

“A culture of a wife running her husband’s affairs must be stopped, especially if the husband’s affairs are the state affairs……So, my advice to Mrs Bun Rany is: to please butt out and stay away from your husband’s and the state affairs.”

Editorial by Khmerization:- I read with dismay the article in Ki-Media which has shown for the first time the tremendous power that Mrs. Bun Rany, wife of Prime Minister Hun Sen, had wielded. In the article, which was taken out of the interview PM Hun Sen and Mrs. Bun Rany gave on national TV, show that Mrs. Bun Rany was acting as if she was the prime minister and that Mr. Hun Sen was only her yes man.

For those who are unfamiliar with the chains of events don’t be surprised. A few weeks ago she asked her husband, Prime Minister Hun Sen, to ban three songs deemed immoral by her. All TV and Radio stations must not defy the ban or they will be severely punished. And in a swift change of mind, she asked her PM husband to reverse the ban. As if to show how much power she wielded, she again asked her husband to repeal the monogamy law enacted by the parliament, without the need for parliamentary approval (read the link below).

The Cambodian has a saying that: “If the husband is a major, then the wife is a colonel” (បី្ដស័ក្កិបួនប្រពន្ធស័ក្កិប្រាំ)- meaning that the wife is more powerful than the husband and is wielding the power behind the scenes. This is the case with Mrs. Bun Rany. In a full functional democracy, the duty of the wife of a PM or President is ceremonial and she will never meddle or will never be allowed to meddle in the affairs of her husband and of the state. Mrs Laura Bush, First Lady of the United States, and Mrs. Janet Howard, wife of Australian Prime Minister John Howard, had always stayed in the backgrounds and performed their charity works magnificently.

Mrs Bun Rany seemed to wrongly think that, as a PM’s wife, she is the PM herself and that her power is limitless. As if to prove how powerful she is, she has unashamedly quoted a Khmer saying of “If the husband is the PM, his wife must be the Queen”, as if to tell the public that she running the country, not Hun Sen. Her phrases, such as “what he (Hun Sen) say is the law”, “whatever I say is as good as words from the bible” and Hun Sen’s “decree” for the annulment of the monogamy law is a “forgone conclusion” are born out of her ignorance or a disregard for the democratic process. With such phrases coming out of her mouth, she has shown no regard for the constitution and treated the parliament with contempt and, in a stroke of a pen, her words and that of her husband’s become “laws”.

Mrs. Bun Rany has been known for some times to be wielding tremendous power behind the scenes, but this is the first time that it has come out in the open.

Mrs Bun Rany’s notoriety came to public attention during the infamous Pisith Pilika Affair. The actress Pisith Pilika was a mistress of her husband. During the affairs with the actress Mr. Hun Sen provided the actress with good remunerations of $200,000 deposited in her bank accounts and a brand new Landcruiser 4-wheel drive. The $200,000 and the Landcruiser was confiscated by Mrs. Bun Rany and, when the affairs was brought to her attention, the actress was ordered assassinated by her, using her husband’s bodyguards to do the job. Her husband, PM Hun Sen, was dumbfounded.

A culture of a wife running her husband’s affairs must be stopped, especially if the husband’s affairs are the state affairs. Cambodia had become what it is today (a backward country) partly as a result of generations of wives running the affairs of her husbands who happened to be the leaders of the country. The country has an elected parliament to enact the legislations. The PM has his advisors, ministers and minders to guide and advise him on state affairs. The un-elected wives must back off and stay in the backgrounds performing only charity works. So, my advice to Mrs Bun Rany is: to please butt out and stay away from your husband’s and the state affairs.


  1. I don't understand why you said like that to her? women can do anything if make country growing up.If someone do anything aganist the Cambodia culture will go away and don't do that for next time.Why you put down Cambodian women like that? Look at the USA all American people they always supporting for women.

  2. Bun Rany is whiter than Hun Sen.

  3. Bun Rany should be elected to get the nation power.Bun Rany could have power if she win a election from Cambodia people .As wife of Hunsen she has only one thing take care of her husband !
    Bun Rany is China-Khmer so she is whiter than Hunsen.
