Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Vietnam and Cambodia enjoy growing judicial co-operation

May 13, 2008

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung says he was delighted at the increasing development of ties between Vietnam and Cambodia, particularly in judicial co-operation.

The Government leader made the comment while receiving in Hanoi on May 12 Cambodian Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana, who is on a visit to Vietnam from May 1-16.

Cambodian Minister Vathana brief his host of the results of the talks held earlier with his Vietnamese counterpart, Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong, saying that the two sides vowed to accelerate the signing of a judicial agreement.

PM Dung commended the outcomes of the talks which was aimed at boosting co-operation between the two ministries in matters relating to citizenship, lawyers, exchanges of delegations, experts, legal documents and training.

The PM said he wished the two ministries would continue to share experiences and increase co-operation.

Earlier the same day, judicial ministers of the two countries held talks on co-operation possibilities in law and justice.

While in Vietnam, the Cambodian delegation met leaders of the People’s Supreme Court and the People’s Supreme Procuracy in a move to foster law and judicial co-operation between the two countries.

The delegation also worked with the Hanoi Law University , the Quang Ninh Judicial Academy and Judicial Department to inquire into these establishments’ training models, curricula and development strategy. (VNA)

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