Monday, 2 June 2008

Burma's military says new constitution enacted

Burma's ruling generals - including Than Shwe, Maung Aye and Thura Shwe Mann pictured here - have enacted their new constitution. [Reuters]

Radio Australia

Burma's state television is reporting the nation's new constitution has been confirmed and enacted.A referendum on the issue was held this month.

Military government leader Than Shwe said in a statement broadcast on state television the constitutional draft has now been adopted.

The announcement said 92 per cent of voters had endorsed the charter, and that voter turnout was 91 per cent.Earlier, Burma said the constitution would only take effect in two years, once a new parliament convenes following planned elections.

It ignored international calls to delay the referendum held on May 10 and 24 despite the devastation caused by Cyclone Nargis.

The disaster has left more than 133,000 people dead or missing.

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