Monday, 16 June 2008

END Land Grabbing in Cambodia

Asian Human Rights Commission

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The petition

His ExcellencyPrime Minister, Cambodia Your Excellency,I am deeply concerned about the suffering of the hundreds of thousands of Cambodian people who have been, and who are known to live in fear of being evicted as a result of development projects, land disputes and land-grabbing. Evictees have received no just compensation. They have been forcibly evicted from their homes and lands and relocated in areas with little social amenities and economic opportunities for their livelihood. Those who solely depend on the land to make a living have simply found their livelihood destroyed.

In forced evictions, public forces have demolished their homes or set fire to them and destroyed their belongings including crops and plantations. Some evictees have been beaten or even arrested on fabricated charges to subdue resistance and force evictees to accept unjust compensation.

I urge you to immediately end the suffering and fears of those people by halting all evictions in which disputes have not been resolved or just compensation has been paid, and by suspending all land concessions for development projects that affect people’s homes and lands. I also urge you to enforce the land law and urge all parties, including your government, to resort to the due process of law for the adjudication of land disputes. All courts of law and other adjudication mechanisms should be independent, impartial and easily accessible for all, and they should judge the cause of the weak, the poor, the powerful and the rich without fear or favour.

Yours sincerely,


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