Saturday, 21 June 2008

FM defends endorsement of temple communique

MCOT English News

BANGKOK, June 20 (TNA) - Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama on Friday clarified to the Senate his endorsement of a joint communique with Cambodia earlier this week allowing the Phnom Penh government to apply for registration of Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site.

In responding to a query posted by Senator Priyanandana Rangsit why the Thai government supported its neighbour Cambodia on applying for the listing of the temple as the World Heritage site, Mr. Noppadon said it was unnecessary for him to explain to Parliament members earlier because the joint communique was "not an agreement" and it did not affect any changes of territory of the two countries. The Thai-Cambodian joint communique was signed behind closed doors here on Wednesday, leadingto public suspicion that Thailand could have lost the undemarcated 4.6 square kilometres surrounding the Hindu temple to Cambodia.

Citing time constraints because the Phnom Penh government is planning to apply for the listing of Preah Vihear temple next month, Mr. Noppadon said what he did was transparent and there was no conflict of interest.

In another development, the Senate decided not to hold a special meeting Monday after the government had informed that it was not possible to attend the general debate petition lodged by 61 senators charging the less than five-months-old administration with poor performance. The government has said it would not be available for the general debate because it would be busy preparing the government budget for fiscal 2009, starting this October 1. The budget debate starts next Wednesday.

The cabinet Tuesday approved closing the current House extraordinary session on June 28. (TNA)

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