Tuesday, 3 June 2008

NEC To Ease Misspelling Frustration for Voters

By Poch Reasey, VOA Khmer
01 June 2008

The National Election Committee will soon issue a directive to its provincial and commune branches to allow voting even if names on a registry are slightly misspelling NEC Director of Legal Services and Dispute Resolution Keo Phalla told “Hello VOA” on Monday.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “If your name is on the list, and there is a minor misspelling of your name, you will still have the right to cast your votes.”

Keo Phalla also urged people to report any irregularities or corruption in any commune or provincial election committee so that NEC can resolve them.

“I’ve heard some rumors about improper selection of PEC or CEC officials but have not seen any formal complaints,” he said. “But if you have evidence and reliable sources, please file a report to NEC so that we can prevent all wrong doings.”

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