Monday, 14 July 2008

Military urges reversal of Cambodia support

The Bangkok Post

The Foreign Ministry should inform Cambodia and all concerned countries and organisations that Thailand is revoking the joint communique issued to support Cambodia's bid to register the Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage Site, Supreme Commander Boonsang Niempradit said.

Speaking after a seminar with with academics and others with an interest in the temple dispute, Gen Boonsang said measures taken to cope with the disputed areas surrounding the temple are the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry.

The army is responsible for taking care of the country's sovereignty only, he said.

He said any actions on the matter must be taken transparently and with public acknowledgement.

Because of this, the ministry should prepare easy-to-understand documents to clarify all issues the public had doubted.

Pisanu Suvanajata, the deputy director-general of the Foreign Ministry's Department of East Asian Affairs, suggested the government should join the seven-nation International Coordinating Committee (ICC) to manage the Preah Vihear temple to help protect the country's sovereignty.

Thai involvement would benefit the country as it would be able to air its opinions concerning the national sovereignty, he said.

Feb 1 is the deadline for the submission of documents to join the committee to be set up under the World Heritage Committee's resolution. (TNA)

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