Friday, 25 July 2008

Preah Vihear: Cambodia takes a firmer stance

Cambodge Soir

“It is not an invasion anymore it is a settlement!” Khieu Kanharith, the Minister of Information did not mince his words on Thursday morning during a press conference. Thai and Cambodian troops have been staring each other down at the foot of Preah Vihear temple for ten days.

The Hun Sen Government has started to show its irritation and the message is being relayed: the government “does not accept” the evolution of the row. According to Khieu Kanharith, who is also the government spokesman, the Thai soldiers’ strategy is clear: “ they will camp on their position on the Danrek mountain. They will then declare to be in the free zone whereas this is clearly our National territory.” Khieu then referred to the 1908 map locating the famous Keo Sikha Kiri Svara pagoda “ in Cambodian territory”.

Several press agencies reported that Thailand had strengthened its positions by digging trenches and beefing up its troop numbers.

Once this point was highlighted the Minister tried to analyse the Thai Prime Minister’s behaviour. According to him, Samak Sundaravej is under pressure from the opposition. So, in order to stop the critics “and not be accused of being a traitor, he needs to remain firm”.
Confronted with this attitude, “Cambodia does not want its toes to be trodden on”. Khieu Kanharith warned that “Thailand is a friendly country but if it does not change its position we will have to take action”.

The Ministers estimated that around 4 000 soldiers are stationed on both sides. His Defence counterpart is, on Thursday July 24, in Preah Vihear to inspect the troops. Contrary to what Samak stated in the Thai press Phnom Penh does not believe “that the pressure will loosen after the Cambodian Parliamentary elections on July 27”. “ To say so is to fool the people, as the Temple is not at the centre of the electoral debate”, added the slightly agitated spokesman. He then went on to explain that the inscription of the temple on the World Heritage List had been delayed by Thai protests, meaning that whatever happens Bangkok is still opposing to Cambodia regarding Preah Vihear.

The only softer tone in a rather lively intervention concerned a request from the Minister to his compatriots not to buy any Thai products, as Cambodian goods would also be subjected to a boycott in Thailand.

“ Such behaviour can only have negative impacts on both economies” added Khieu Kanharith. As far as he is concerned, the Thai attitude is only caused by a “small group of individuals”.

Leang Delux

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