Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Unesco status for Cambodian temple

The temple style shows Hindu influence

Preah Vihear's Unesco heritage-site status could draw many more tourists to Cambodia
Al Jaseera
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Preah Vihear, an 11th-century temple that sits in a border zone between Thailand and Cambodia, has been named by UN officials as a world landmark.

Joanna Sullivan, a Unesco spokeswoman, said on Monday that the temple was designated a heritage site at a meeting in Quebec City, Canada.

Thai citizens were asked to donate money to help finance the country's push to defend the temple in the international court.

In 1962, the International Court of Justice in the Hague ruled Preah Vihear was located inside Cambodia's border, a decision opposed by many in Thailand.

The stone temple is a few hundred feet from Thailand's eastern border with Cambodia.

The temple is culturally Cambodian, sharing the Hindu-influenced style of the more famous Angkor Wat in northwestern Cambodia.

Honoured too by Unesco were two cities of the Straits of Malacca, Melaka and George Town, both in Malaysia, and the Kuk Early Agricultural Site in Papua New Guinea, marking the country's first entry on the list.

Cambodian quest

Cambodia started seeking the status for Preah Vihear in 2001, hoping for the influx of tourism and international funding that normally accompanies the designation.

In the past, Thailand has vetoed its neighbour's submissions amid fears the status would include disputed land along the border.

But in May, the government of Samak Sundaravej bypassed the parliament and endorsed Cambodia's application.

A month later Noppadon Pattama, the Thai foreign minister, signed a joint communique with Cambodia, endorsing the country's bid to nominate the temple as a world heritage site.

However, Thai critics accused him of violating the country's soveriegnty, and the government withdrew its support.

Thailand's cabinet suspended its decision to support Cambodia's bid on July 1.

Little effect

Thailand's action had little effect on Preah Vihear's World Heritage application, since Cambodia does not need Thailand's support.

Hor Namhong, the Cambodian foreign minister, has accused Thai opposition politicians of exploiting the cross-border dispute to advance their own domestic political agenda and warned they might endanger bilateral relations.

For his part, Cambodia's prime minister, welcomed the Unesco decision in a statement on Tuesday.

"This is a new pride for the people of Cambodia," Hun Sen said.

But he reassured Thailand, saying that the temple's inscription "does not affect" the negotiations to resolve problems of border line between the two nations.

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