Friday, 22 August 2008

Heavy rains damage roads, fields in Oddar Meanchey province

The phnom Penh Post
Approximately one metre of water is now covering Oddar Meanchey’s Samraong, Trapang Prasath and Banteay Ampil districts. Officials are on alert for flash floods after unseasonably heavy rains this year have swollen rivers and other waterways.

Written by Vong Sokheng
Thursday, 21 August 2008

More than 5,000 hectares are affected in the Kingdom's northwest, while flooded roads keep villagers from being able to travel

FLOODING caused by heavy rains has inundated 5,000 hectares of rice fields and cut off several district roads in Oddar Meanchey province, provincial Governor Pich Sokhin said Wednesday, saying the situation could become critical if the waters do not quickly recede.

He said local authorities are scrambling to warn villagers in the affected areas to immediately report any problems with flooding.

"This is no serious problem if the water recedes soon," Pich Sokhin said.

"But we are concerned about the damage to rice paddies and the consequential reduction in harvest this year if the rain continues for the next few days."

On full alert

Sim Dara, an investigation officer for the NGO Forum on Cambodia, said the waters were now nearly one metre deep due to the flooding and that some of the provincial roads had been rendered unusable.

"The villagers are facing the problem of being unable to travel," Sim Dara said.

"We do not know whether there will be more rain but the clouds remain dark ... and this is not a good sign," Dara added.

Pao Samy, secretary general for the National Committee for Disaster Management, said the Mekong River's water levels have risen considerably in recent weeks.

He said that the committee was closely monitoring flood issues both from the rain and the rising river water levels, and would remain on full alert until the risk of flooding passed.

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