Thursday, 7 August 2008

Hun Sen settles his score

Cambodge Soir

The Prime Minister’s first visit to the provinces since the elections has given him the opportunity to criticise his opponents.

Hun Sen regains his little habits: his trips to the provinces, being propitious for his monologues. Wednesday morning in Kampong Speu; he took the occasion to bring up the subject of next government, “slightly larger” than the previous one and of the alliance with Funcinpec. He confirmed that, within his new team, a Deputy Prime Minister’s position will be given to Nhiek Buncchay, General Secretary of the royalist party. Four other leaders of the political party will obtain portfolios. Kol Pheng, current Minister of Education, Veng Serewuth, current Minister of Culture, Sun Chanthol, current Minister for Public Transport and Nuth Sokhom, current Minister of Health will indeed assume positions of Secretary of State.

After revealing those details, Hun Sen attacked Kéo Puth Rasmey, President of Funcinpec. What he did wrong? Together with others, he signed a letter of coalition with the SRP, the HRP and the NRP, the day after the elections. Consequently he doesn’t obtain any position, not even an Ambassador’s title. “Neither him nor his wife have the necessary international knowledge to assume this position”, did he say ironically.

The Head of the Government didn’t spare Sam Rainsy either. Mentioning his altercation from last Friday with the head of the opposition, Hun Sen revealed that the head of the SRP requested him to ensure positions of President and Vice President of the Commission to the National Assembly. “Why is he asking for this while at the same time he challenges the validity of the elections? “, said an angry Prime Minister. The Vice President of the CPP proclaimed that Norodom Ranariddh should serve two thirds of his sentence. The head of the NRP was condemned to a prison sentence of 18 months and a fine of 150,000 dollars in a case of breach of trust concerning public property. All his appeals ran out. Currently in exile in Malaysia, Norodom Ranariddh is, according to Hun Sen, trying to approach him in order to request a royal pardon. This move clearly leaves the government leader indifferent.

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