Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Prasat Ta Muen Thom is in Thai soil: Army chief

Tue, August 5, 2008
By The Nation

Thai troops have been stationing at Prasat Ta Muen Thom in Surin province for years, meaning it is in the Thai territory, Army Commander in Chief Gen Anupong Paojinda said Tuesday.

Our map clearly showed that it is in our soil, he said.

However he declined to comment a report that Cambodia tried to send its armed troops across the border to the place with an intention to station there.

"We have told our troops there not to use forces or instigate any confrontations at the border," the general said.

The Thai side has repeatedly told the Khmer side at the area to allow demarcation officials do there jobs by not deploy troops there, he said.

Ownership of Prasat Ta Muen Thom became the latest border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia following Preah Vihear Temple. Last week, armed Khmer troops tried to cross the border at Surin to visit the place, only to be rejected at the border.

The Thai-Cambodia border have not yet been demarcated.

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