Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Cambodian gov't to take border dispute with Thailand to UN

September 16, 2008

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will again seek international arbitration in Cambodia's ongoing dispute with Thailand over contested border territory adjacent to Preah Vihear temple, national media reported Monday.

Hun Sen told his cabinet Friday that he plans to take the issue back to the UN Security Council and to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in Hague, the Phnom Penh Post said.

Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, quoted Hun Sen as saying the council should prepare documentation and evidence in the likely event it needed to return to the Security Council, following delays in talks with the Thai government.

On July 22, Cambodia made an appeal to the UN Security Council during its military standoff with Thailand at the World Heritage-listed temple, but withdrew the complaint two days later after Thailand agreed to hold immediate talks on the issue. But discussions over a full troop withdrawal have stagnated, with the Thailand requesting a postponement due to political tensions in Bangkok.

The row erupted after Cambodia's arrest of three Thai nationalist protesters on July 15, whom authorities allege crossed illegally into Cambodia close to the disputed temple site.

Since then, Thailand and Cambodia have been building up their forces near the temple and tensions have escalated, spreading to other temple sites along the border.


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