Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Hun Sen on the forefront of the political scene

Cambodge Soir


The Prime Minister, clearly in the best of form, has randomly brought up the subjects of Preah Vihear, the Khmer Rouge tribunal and the oath ceremony of the future deputies, in the presence of the US Deputy Secretary of State.

Phnom Penh, Monday 15 September; on the occasion of the signing of a bilateral agreement with the United States, represented by the Deputy Secretary of State, John Negroponte, Hun Sen couldn’t resist bringing up some current events with the journalists.

Regarding Preah Vihear, the Prime Minister has reminded the patience of Cambodia concerning the regular encroaching of Thai soldiers. Addressing his American host, he added that his country is ready to inform the UN Security Council in the event of a war, deploring that currently “one doesn’t know who to talk to on the Thai side in order to lead negotiations”.

The Government Leader was more optimistic regarding the funding of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, revealing that the United States are soon likely to make a declaration concerning this subject. In reality, Joseph A. Mussomeli had spread the news, declaring on the day of his departure that Washington would accept funding this mixed tribunal after a long period of distrust.

Finally, less than 10 days before the swearing-in of the deputies of the next National Assembly, Hun Sen noted that “although the opposition still doesn’t accept the election results, it’s still keeping its seats”. Faking surprise, he reminded that Cambodia doesn’t have two Assemblies, before notifying the SRP and the HRP: “If they don’t take the oath on the 24th of September, the opposition deputies won’t be recognised”. They have now been warned.

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