Monday, 22 September 2008

Migrant Workers Festival

Migrant Workers Festival. Photo by Lee Jong-geun/The Hankyoreh.

The Hankyoreh Media Company


ANSAN - The Migrant Workers Festival was held by a missionary division of the Jogye Order of Buddhist at Ansan Elementary School on September 21.

Approximately 700 migrant workers participated in the festival, including migrant workers from Cambodia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, who are wearing green, blue and red t-shirts, respectively.

Given the current economic situation in which high inflation and a high currency exchange rate are among the most pressing problems in Korean society, migrant workers are having an especially difficult time of it. Some are having a hard time finding employment, while others are unable to send as much money home as they were last year due to the increase in the exchange rate.

However, it’s possible that the festival, which offered food, games and a chance to reconnect with community, provided a little relief.

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