Thursday, 18 September 2008

Thailand to hold bilateral talks with Cambodia

BANGKOK, Sep 18 (TNA) – Thailand's new Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat has sought to hold bilateral talks with Cambodia to resolve the border dispute.

Mr. Somchai convened a meeting with agencies concerned to discuss the issue at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday. The prime minister said the negotiations between the two countries had been interrupted by political turmoil and Thailand's change of foreign ministers.

Earlier talks went well and smooth, he said, and the two countries had good relations.

He said after Thursday's meeting that he would send a letter to the Cambodian prime minister seeking further talks for better understanding.

Mr. Somchai added he expected the two sides to talk during the upcoming United Nations General Assembly and on the sidelines of the Asean foreign ministers in New York on September 29.

He said he would not attend the General Assembly but that the foreign ministry would be his representative, he said, adding that the new foreign minister will be formally appointed before the UN meeting. (TNA)

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