Friday, 3 October 2008

Cambodia celebrates the World Tourism Day under the topic of 'Tourism responding to the challenge of Climate Change'

2008-10-02 - As a member of UNWTO, Cambodia celebrates the world tourism day every year so as to contribute the hot issue information and find out the key addresses in tourism sector.

Tourism responding to challenge of climate change is the hot topic of United Nation World Tourism Organization for world tourism day celebrating on 27 September 2008. This topic has trigged tourism and related field the discussion how tourism contributes to challenges of climate change which are the world hot issue. As one of the principle services exports in the world's
poorest and emerging countries, tourism effectively on the common cause of climate change response, linking it closely with the fight against poverty.

To raise public awareness on tourism and climate change and congratulate to the World Tourism Day, Ministry of Tourism in Cambodia has proposed the tourism day‘s topic and called for discussion among tourism students under the topic of 'Tourism Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change'. This celebration aims to raise the tourism and climate awareness among publicity and also provide some recommendations, adaptations and strategies to minimize CO2 in tourism sector. Responding to the challenge of climate change, tourism officials suggested that ecotourism could be one of good tourism development solution that pay much attention of environmental conservation, which help deal with the climate change. As Cambodia has recently draft the National Ecotourism Policy, many articles in this policy has also mentioned about how ecotourism policy response to the climate change and develop in a sustainable manner.

Despite the fact that tourism sector has the potential to act the common cause of climate change, Tourism Sector is not the main cause to the climate change. Yet the industries that produce much green house gas are the main causes to the global warming and lead to climate change. Tourism, however, is still one among the others sectors that address keys solution to these challenges. With this context, Cambodia tourism sector has very little contribution in this global issue because Cambodia is a developing country and tourism is just a noticeable sector accelerating Cambodia economic in the last several years.

Ministry of Tourism represents its consideration in promoting the challenges of climate change and sustainable development among tourism development agencies, business and publicity in order to mitigate negative impacts and maximize profit in harmony with the codes of environmental responsibility. The Ministry also hopes all relevant stakeholders in tourism sector will help address this issue and make the balance between development and conservation while increasing the community welfare.

By CHHEM Samnang

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