Saturday, 18 October 2008

Cambodian restaurant changes its name over Thai conflict

Cambodian Buddhist monks walk at Preah Vihear temple

PHNOM PENH (AFP) — A restaurant in Cambodia's capital has changed its name in the wake of a bitter border dispute with Thailand, local media reported Saturday.

The Olympic Khmer-Thai, a joint venture between Cambodian and Thai businessmen, has added an "l" to its title -- becoming Olympic Khmer-Thlai. Thlai" translates as "expensive" or "noble".

The restaurant, based near Phnom Penh's Olympic market, changed its name before deadly border clashes on Wednesday between Thai and Cambodian troops.

But the decades-long dispute, over ownership of an area close to the ancient Preah Vihear temple, has been escalating over the past few months amid mounting nationalist tensions on both sides.

"The reason why the restaurant, set up in 2006, was named "Khmer-Thai" was that it is partly owned by Thai businessmen and has some Thai chefs," a restaurant representative told the Khmer-language Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper.

"The change came after the on-going conflict between Cambodia and Thailand because we are afraid it will cause future problems to our restaurant," he said.

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