Monday, 6 October 2008

The curtain opens on the theatre festival of the French Cultural Centre (FCC)

The theatre company of Catherine Marnas is rehearsing.

Cambodge Soir


Until the 9th of October, the French Cultural Centre offers its second edition of the Lakhaon theatre festival in Phnom Penh. First event on Friday 3 October: the street parade of actors.

Every evening the Chenla theatre will host two shows from 6.30pm onwards. The FCC wishes to put the emphasis on the different types of theatre performances in Cambodia. The audience will discover, amongst others, the wedding theatre, the one with the coloured leather puppets or the one with the masks.

Twelve theatre companies have been invited for this new edition. Five countries are being represented: France, Cambodia, Laos, Burma and Thailand.

This year, the French Cultural Centre will put creations under the spotlight, in other words eight shows. The Burmese theatre company presents a puppet show and the Laotian a cabaret show. The Thai company will bring a performance with a blend of modern theatre and traditional dance. The Frenchwoman, Catherine Marnas, has created an original show based on a Khmer legend, with the help of her team and Khmer actors.

The shows will be subtitled in French or English in order to make it easy to understand for everybody.

In parallel, the FCC will screen different filmed theatre performances, from Shakespeare to Feydeau, from Racine to Cixous.

Practical information

Start of the parade, Friday 3 October at 3pm, on the corner of Mao Tse Tung and Kampuchea Krom Boulevards in Phnom Penh.

Shows every night from 6.30pm onwards at the Chenla theatre.Screening of filmed theatre performances, on 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 October at the cinema of the FCC.

Free entry

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