Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Thai PM to attend Oct 23-25 ASEM summit in China

BANGKOK, Oct 20 (TNA) - Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat will attend the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in China between October 23 to 25 and may hold talks with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on the two countries border dispute.

The prime minister said that dispute won't be raised during the ASEM meeting but Thailand and Cambodia may have a chance to hold bilateral talks, depending on cooperation of the ministry of foreign affairs of the two countries, he said.

Asked if he would discuss the issue with the Cambodian prime minister, Mr. Somchai said that it depended on the situation.

Thai and Cambodian soldiers exchanged fire in October 15 skirmishes at three disputed border locations near the Preah Vihear temple.

Two Cambodian soldiers were killed while seven Thai soldiers were wounded in the incident. (TNA)

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