Saturday, 15 November 2008

Khmer Rouge minister delays trial

The former foreign minister of the Khmer Rouge regime has reportedly managed to postpone his trial before a United Nations-backed court

14 Kasım 2008

Ieng Sary has extended his detention for a year to avoid his trail by an international tribunal, The Cambodia Daily newspaper reported Thursday.

The 82-year-old was arrested last year along with his wife, the former Khmer Rouge minister for social action, Ieng Thirith .

In October, A judge denied Sary's appeal for release from partial detention under concerns that he would he would flee the country.

An estimated 1.5 million people, a fifth of the country's total population, were killed under the genocidal “Red” regime, which was removed from power in 1979, as a result of an invasion by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The paper quoted Judge You Bunleng as saying that the conditions of Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith's detentions would be outlined following this week's Water Festival, a 3-day public holiday.

The UN-backed court was established in 2006, to try Ieng Sary and four other Khmer Rouge leaders for their crimes against humanity during the four-year reign of terror of the ultra-communist regime of 1975 to 1979

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