Friday, 7 November 2008

Mr. Ky Tech Recognizes that there Is Corruption in the Courts, while the Minister of Justice Tells Judges to Control Clerks Well - Wednesday, 5.11.200

Posted on 7 November 2008

The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 585

“Recently, the former president of the Bar Association, Mr. Ky Tech, stated that those who prepare documents and have important roles in court processes are the root of different problems that frequently bring criticism for the courts in the country.

“Mr. Ky Tech said during an interview with journalists, ‘They make courts corrupt.’ The former president of the Bar Association added that they informally communicate with each other and make decisions on different cases unjustly. People involved in court cases pay money to those who prepare the documents to send their names to court officials who then make decisions supporting those people. Mr. Ky Tech continued that they prepare the documents for different cases, instead of letting lawyers do this. The law states that no one can work on a court case except a lawyer. However, it is known that those who prepare the documents take bribes for themselves. If lawyers take money, they will offer receipts. If they cheat, it is not difficult to find them.

In addition to Mr. Ky Tech, also the director of the Cambodian Defenders Project, Mr. Sok Sam Oeun, recognized that there is corruption in the courts. It should be noted that at present at the courts, in addition to those who prepare documents who stand on different sides, also defense lawyers prepare documents. A certain lawyer had been sued by a victim – who had hired him to solve a case – at the Ministry of Interior, because he did not solve the case after receiving his payment. A certain other lawyer appeared to help a victim where more than US$100,000 were handed over, and also armed persons were involved in 2008.

Regarding the corruption accusations by the former president of the Bar Association and by the director of the Cambodian Defenders Project, Judge Chiv Keng absolutely rejected this, saying, ‘There is no longer such corruption’ (Sic!). Not differently, Mr. Ang Vong Vathana, the Minister of Justice with the Ministry as an institution having authority to revoke and assign judges and prosecutors, requested evidence about any case to be reported to him for investigation. Nevertheless, no one dares to sue, related to corruption of bribe taking to finish cases in courts, because there is no law to protect them. It should be noted that besides corruption committed by those who prepare documents, there are also irregular cases where judges of different primary courts allow their clerks to find money for them through procedures which are against the law, it appears that clerks question accused and plaintiffs without the presence of judges. Regarding certain procedures which are against legal procedures, taken by judges and clerks, the fourth term Minister of Justice of the Royal Government said that judges must control their clerks well. However, Mr. Ang Vong Vathana said to reduce mistakes by judges, that judges and clerks are not wrong, if judges are absent between 10 to 15 minutes, when busy with other duties (Sic!). But if judges do not attend the hearings, it is wrong that clerks ask questions alone. It should be noted that clerks are court official appointed by the Ministry of Justice.

“Mr. Tep Darong, the president of the Royal Academy of Judicial Profession [source: 'H.E Sok An Met with Guests" - Update : 07-10-08], said that recently, a special training course for clerks at the Royal Academy of Judicial Profession has just finished a six-month clerk training course for 81 students, and each of them was sworn in to take up their positions. He said they swore that they will do their work rightly, keep confidentiality, and do everything to maintain discipline. Mr. Tep Darong added that this 2-year-old special training courses have already trained 500 clerks from all over the country, who never before had received such training. Therefore, it is essential to train them about how to take notes and how to assist judges. Judges can not work alone.

Lawyer Ny Chandy, who administers the Model Court Program at Legal Aid of Cambodia, said that training is welcome, but corruption will always happen, as long as salaries are still small. On the other hand, some people from the legal profession stated that the increase of salaries for court officials is not the only way to help eliminate corruption. Other ways include a reform of the council, and holding hearings to select judges, while not allowing any member of this institution to be a member of any political party, or to be a judge in a firm, as a condition to be allowed to participate in such hearings for positions. If a football player would also function as a referee, it would not be just. Another critical problem is that there must be an anti-corruption law as a basis for reference. It should be noted that the second step of the Rectangular Strategy of Samdech Dekchor Hun Sen stressed that different reforms are necessary, in view of good governance, but how the implementation would work, would have to wait to be seen in the next five years.”

Meatophum, Vol.52, #710, 5-8.11.2008
Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Wednesday, 5 November 2008

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