Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Party, State leaders welcome visiting Cambodian PM

Party General Secretary Manh receives Cambodian PM Hun Sen

Vietnam always attaches importance to and will do its utmost to strengthen and develop the fine neighbourliness, traditional friendship and comprehensive and long-term co-operation with Cambodia.

Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh made the statement while receiving Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Hanoi on November 4, the first day of his visit to Vietnam as guest of his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Tan Dung.

The Party leader spoke highly of the result of PM Hun Sen’s earlier talks with PM Dung as well as measures they agreed upon in order to accelerate the implementation of high-level agreements.

He warmly congratulated the great achievements recorded by the Cambodian people in recent years, particularly the successful organisation of the fourth national assembly elections.

General Secretary Manh said he hoped that the Cambodian people, under the reign of King Norodom Sihamoni and leadership of the Royal Government, would obtain greater successes in building Cambodia into a country of peace, independence, neutrality, non-alignment and prosperity, and having friendly ties with all nations, especially with its neighbours.

For his part, PM Hun Sen asserted that the government and people of Cambodia would make every effort to consolidate and develop the solidarity, traditional friendship and comprehensive co-operation with Vietnam.

The PM said he was glad to visit Vietnam on his first trip abroad since he took office for the fourth tenure, and to witness Vietnam’s important achievements during the renewal process.

On this occasion, PM Hun Sen thanked Vietnam for its valuable support and assistance during Cambodia’s past struggle for national liberation to escape from the former genocide regime, as well as its current cause of national construction and development.

The same day, PM Hun Sen was received by President Nguyen Minh Triet who said that Vietnam and Cambodia should strengthen comprehensive co-operation and increase mutual trust in political ties for greater results in the aspects of trade and investment.

The two countries also need to beef up relations between their ministries, sectors and agencies, in addition to the exchange of high-level visits, the President said.

PM Hun Sen informed President Triet about the result of his talks with PM Nguyen Tan Dung, stressing that the two sides agreed to boost the economic and trade relations in an effort to reach the target of US$2 billion in two-way trade value by 2010.

While speaking of rapid development in bilateral economic, trade, investment, health and energy co-operation, the PM said Cambodia advocates tightening co-operative ties with Vietnam and Laos for the prosperity of the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia development triangle. (VNA)

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