Friday, 28 November 2008

Roland Berger Human Dignity Award presented to Somaly Mam of Cambodia

Federal President Horst Köhler presented the first Roland Berger Human Dignity Award, which is endowed with EUR 1 million, to the Cambodian human rights activist Somaly Mam, at a ceremony in Berlin.

Roland Berger Human Dignity Award presented to Somaly Mam of Cambodia

With the Roland Berger Human Dignity Award, the Roland Berger Foundation honours and supports the award winner in her fight against sexual slavery and the human trafficking of children, teenagers and women, particularly in Southeast Asia. The award money of EUR 1 million goes to the Somaly Mam Foundation and is earmarked specifically for continuing and expanding her Foundation's work.

Attending the ceremony in Berlin's Konzerthaus on Gendarmenmarkt were about 350 guests from politics, business, culture and media. A speech in praise of Ms. Mam was given by US filmmaker and human rights activist Guy Jacobson, who was recently honoured as a "Global Hero" by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for his achievements. He lauded Somaly Mam's selfless and courageous dedication to helping the victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution – despite intimidation, arson and even death threats.

Somaly Mam, herself a victim of human trafficking and sexual slavery, has spent years battling this grievous violation of fundamental human rights, which affects millions of women and children around the world.

In his opening remarks at the award ceremony, Roland Berger, who created the award, stated that writing human rights and human dignity into constitutions and laws is not enough. "Respecting and protecting human rights and human dignity is not only an obligation of the state, but rather requires the vigilance and dedication of an active civil society. More and more men and women selflessly take the initiative to fight for their rights and those of their fellow human beings. They do this even when it means risking their own psychological and physical existence. The Roland Berger Foundation wants to support these often unsung ‘community heroes’ and raise public awareness of their good deeds."

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