Friday, 19 December 2008

APSARA NAKED, Does it affect to the Khmer culture?

Pictures from


  1. Khmer apsara can't be like that please change all of pictures.Thank you.

  2. We don't want to see those pictures and CAAI asking to all of our value readers to judge wether we should shut that website down so that it won't be affected to our culture.

  3. This is freaking ridiculous for some people who are close minded. It's just art work folks. Why can't people just appreciate the talent of artist and live a little? The guy is just trying to revive Khmer art into the 21st century so that people in the world would know and hear more about Khmer's cultural. Cambodian national was in the slump far too long, with three decades of war, we need to come out of the nutshell and play. So please just appreciate the art work and accept the beauty of Apsara costume. This is not pornography. DON'T CONFUSE YOURSELF WITH PORNOGRAPHY AND ART!!!

  4. CAAI - reconsider these beautiful artworks. How the heck is it effecting Khmer culture? Can you tell me why?

  5. I know there have been lots of speculation about the half naked Apsara. To be honest, the original form/picture of Apsara on the walls is half naked and it is just a form of art finally. Art is extensive, limitless because it’s up to artist’s imagination, conception him/herself. I’ve seen naked fashion show through Fashion TV, and lots of naked fashion photographs in famous fashion magazine as well as paintings.

    However, what I would like to criticize here is that the original Apsara (stone ones) are in a very peaceful, artistic, admirable and respectful long history from many Khmer famous kings (Khmer Empire). And at that time, dressing half naked like that was the culture, custom and tradition of life. While now is completely different, people don’t dress half naked in the daily life. Dressing half naked like that would means mentally ill. That’s why people don’t happy with what’s Reahu has done. IT IS ASSAULTING to the whole long well-known Cambodian culture. There are lots way to express your artistic way, for instance, doing the naked self-portrait or whatever in his private life. But this is a nation’s culture. There is no excuse of it’s in the 21st century or whatsoever. I think doing this way IS JUST TO EXPLOIT THE WHOLE CULTURE FOR OWN BENEFITS. That’s ALL!!

    Moreover, what Reahu stated in the first page (Reahu’s Note); […… So please! My prohook eating brothers and sisters this is art, one man’s point of view captured on canvas: An admiration of Apsaras as celestial beings. If this bring down the Khmer culture, then your Khmer culture is still under the Khmer Rouge. ……….. lol]
    I think Reahu is way too proud and losing self-control of what he's doing. I am feeling very sorry for him. ‘What does he mean that “prohook eat bros and sis”‘?? He himself expresses in a very narrow-minded writing, too much negativity towards others.

    And “if this bring down the Khmer culture, then “”"your”"” Khmer culture is still….” That’s too bad!! What does he mean “your Khmer culture”??? Ain't himself Khmer or others trying to bring up public interest for own’s gain?

    We, Cambodian have suffered quite a lot, but we still survive. We still have a country to live and we still have a very well-known history from the very early century until now, although some centuries and decades were very rough. But the spirit of Khmer Ancestors still keep our country surviving from lots of bad fortunes (wars and wars and wars). See we still have a spot in the world atlas!!! So each one should be proud and helping to preserve not finding a way to exploit or taking advantage of it in the negative way.

    Art is limitless but there are many other ways to express yourself like Van Gogh, Picasso, Rembrandt, Leonardo Da Vinci,… be one!!!

    [by Rito^Kaizen]

  6. I do not call this a khmer culture but a master piece of khmer art.

    the fact is all the apsara sculture at the famous angkor are topless or political correct dress with gold chain.
    for those who oppose the free expression. I would like to ask you to consider this art as a khmer prize.


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    because my site will not be agaist you. this is my site:

  8. this is good blog, i expect you will not mind me to be partnership with you
    because my site will not be agaist you. this is my site:

  9. i am a Cambodian who respect my culture and my country. I want to know that do you have a brain. if you don't have a brain just go to the hell soon as you can. Where are you from ? if you are Cambodian . it means that you for got your contry and you for got that you have no parents . if you are from another country. i want to know that is your country really perfect, think , try to use your brain because when you born it means that it time for you to use your brian. you don't know a bout khmer culture , i can tell you that khmer culture is the best culture in the world . we are soft but brave not as you which no brain. i use which because i mean that you are not a person you are a rubbish that the society don't need and they throw you away.
    And tonlesab are you alive . if yes just go to the hospital soon as you can. At the last try to use your brain

  10. yes, i agree please think about the positive way about cambodia

  11. hey mr sex how r u sir?
    i love what u r doin right now
    but what the Fuck is in ur mind rigt now mr sex. r u all about mr and mrs sex sir? u r such an idiot mother fucker suck my cock my dick my ass and my shit u r such an asshole go and was ur fucking head and cut ur shit hair with shit on it cuz ur mind is all about sex sir.

    anyway how r u again mr sex sir?

  12. wtf ?
    those pics are so sexual
    i m not cambodian but i respect other culture.

  13. It is a shame to see modern Khmers have been made ashamed of who they were. That is the product of colonization of the mind. Throw it off! Same the the skim whiter crap

  14. Stfu you idiots.. It's tasteful art it be different if he painted some guy banging her in the back!

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  16. Perhaps these are a bit sexual but please, Cambodians, come to the 21st Century. I have lived in Cambodia for nearly 10 years, made it my business to understand both ancient and current Khmer culture (as best as a barang can) but this is an artist delivering art. Let's face it, you have men pissing (exposing themselves) on every street in the capital so please, wake up.
