Friday, 19 December 2008

Cambodian Gov't Calls for Cooperation to Fulfill Sanitation Goals


Alarming statistics on the state of rural sanitation have led the Cambodian government to call for cooperation at all levels, national media reported Friday.

Only 16 percent of people in Cambodia's rural areas have access to toilets, Chea Sophara, Minister of Rural Development, was quoted by the Phnom Penh Post as saying.

"Cambodian people's understanding of living in a hygienic environment is still low compared to neighboring countries," Chea Sophara said.

He said that the ministry's goal was to ensure that at least 20 percent of the population in the countryside have access to toilets by the year 2010, and 30 percent by 2015, to reach the millennium development goal.

But this would be tough without full cooperation at all levels of government, he added.

"If officials from all departments do not cooperate well with villagers when they are on duty, it will be useless and the development situation will stay the same," he said.

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