Monday, 22 December 2008

Women held with forged passports

The Statesman

KOLKATA, Dec. 21: They spent Rs 18.5 lakh with a hope to get a better life in the UK but but ended up being arrested in the NSC Bose Airport early today. Ms T Kaur (31), Ms H Kaur (29) and Ms B Kaur (28), residents of Punjab paid Rs 18.5 lakh to an agent in Delhi who promised to get them sales job in the UK.

Mr Basab Talukdar, DC (security control) said that they left Delhi on 24 October and went to Cambodia via Bangkok. After reaching Cambodia the agent took away their Indian passports and gave them the UK passports which were forged.

Just when they were about to leave for the UK, the forgery was detected and they were detained at the airport. They contacted Indian Embassy in Cambodia and were able to collect emergency landing certificates with the help of which they could return to India. They came to Kolkata by a Thai International flight early this morning and were again detained by immigration officials at NSC Bose Airport.


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