Saturday, 14 February 2009

Khanh Hoa’s Command strengthens tie with Cambodia’s Stung-Treng

Voice of the Armed Forces and People, Vietnam
Friday, 13/02/2009

PANO – Military Commands of two provinces of Vietnam and Cambodia have agreed to continue increasing their cooperation to protect the social security in their localities.

This agreement was reached during the first meeting between the military authorities from the two commands to review their cooperative tasks in 2008, and to sign a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) for cooperation this year.

The Cambodian military partner also agreed to continue help Vietnamese teams in their search for the graves of Vietnamese soldiers who sacrificed their lives in Cambodia during military campaigns there.

Earlier, Khanh Hoa’s Military Command asked the Provincial People’s Committee to help support Cambodia’s Stung-Treng Province’s Military Command in building an 200 square-metre office for the unit and to provide other needed equipment.

Translated by Ngoc Hung

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