Friday, 27 February 2009

An opening in cyberspace closes

Asia Times Online

By Shawn W Crispin

BANGKOK - When a state-linked Cambodian Internet service provider (ISP) blocked access this month to a critical non-governmental organization report detailing the government's alleged mismanagement of natural and energy resources, the censorship closed the loop on the region's fast-closing cyberspace.

The Cambodian government has prioritized improving its Internet controls and legislation, despite the fact less than 0.3% of the population is online, one of the lowest Internet penetration rates in the world. The recent bust of an alleged terror plot against the government revealed that authorities had capability to hack into suspects' - and perhaps perceived other adversaries' - e-mail accounts.

It wasn't long ago that Asia's Internet was being heralded as an inexorable force for democratic change across the predominantly authoritarian-run region. Rising Internet penetration rates and the proliferation of websites that provided alternative news and critical views, particularly in countries where the state had long dominated information flows, marked substantial democratic gains.

Across the world, governments are now bidding to claw back those gains and assert tighter control over the Internet through improved surveillance and censorship capabilities. Meanwhile, new laws are granting state authorities in many countries new powers to block and censor online content, often in the arbitrary name of maintaining social order or national security.

The battle for Internet freedom is particularly pitched in Southeast Asia, where even nominally democratic governments are now cracking down on journalists, bloggers and ordinary Internet users. China has emerged as the region's Internet censorship role model, with its successful use of sophisticated filtering and surveillance technologies, widely known as Beijing's "Great Firewall".

Those capabilities have been widened through a new government-run computer monitoring information system, known as the "Golden Shield Project". Of the 28 journalists now imprisoned in China, as tallied by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 24 of them were charged and sentenced for articles and commentaries they posted online.

In its recently released "Attacks on the Press" compendium, CPJ contends that a growing number of Southeast Asian governments have moved to emulate China's cyber-censorship techniques. The advocacy group argues that as Western nations have moved to engage China's authoritarian regime, several Southeast Asian governments no longer feel obliged to follow through on the democratic reforms - including commitments to Internet freedom - the West had once pressured them to adopt.

Those pressures are expected to diminish further as the US looks towards China to help bail-out its bankrupt financial and banking systems through the continued purchase of US treasury bonds. The US's collapsing demand for regional exports and flagging outward investments is expected to eventually translate into reduced diplomatic clout in Southeast Asia, a retrenchment that will likely enhance China's already rising regional influence.

Long-time US ally Thailand stands as a case in point. The Thai government has launched one of the most aggressive crackdowns on Internet freedom seen anywhere in the world - so far without a peep of dissent from Bangkok's US embassy. The crackdown was presaged by the passage of the 2007 Computer Crime Act, which among other measures made the use of proxy servers to circumvent government blocks on websites an offense punishable by imprisonment.

The Information Technology and Communication Ministry has since earmarked millions of dollars to develop and deploy improved firewall technologies and the ministry now maintains an Internet "war room" where officials conduct surveillance over Internet content. The ministry said in early January that it had closed down 2,300 websites for posting materials deemed critical of the Thai royal family.

The Justice Ministry has since indicated it will seek a court order to block another 3,000 to 4,000 sites for the same reason. At least one Thai Internet user is currently in prison for posting materials deemed offensive to the royal crown, and two bloggers were temporarily detained but not formally charged on similar charges in 2007.

Nominally democratic Malaysia is another prominent backslider. The government pledged in 1996 not to censor the Internet to lure foreign funds to the Multimedia Super Corridor project, an ambitious state gambit that aimed to incubate Malaysia's own version of the US's Silicon Valley. The no-censorship policy allowed online news providers and bloggers to report and comment on news that the state-controlled mainstream media either neglected or was instructed from above to ignore.

That commitment was symbolically dropped last year when the government ordered local ISPs to block access to prominent blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin's Malaysia Today news site, which has a larger readership than several established state-influenced newspapers. He has been charged and detained under both the Sedition and Internal Security Acts for online writings which were critical of the government.

According to the CPJ, it's still unclear whether Malaysian authorities have deployed the same type of filtering and monitoring technologies seen in China, but the government is known to monitor Internet content through three different state agencies, including the Prime Minister's Office. According to e-mail correspondence shared with this correspondent, Raja Petra, now temporarily released on Internal Security Act charges, is under family pressure to flee the country rather than stand trial in Malaysia's politically compromised courts.

The situation is worsening in less democratic countries. Vietnam, known to maintain some of Asia's most extensive Internet controls outside of China, has in recent months moved to introduce more stringent regulations governing bloggers and their postings. Singapore authorities recently harassed an Asia Times Online contributor for a November story that detailed the island state's mounting financial troubles.

Police claimed that the article had been sent with added malicious comments to the head of state, opposition politicians and newspapers from the reporter's e-mail account. The reporter denied the charge and police officials later indicated that an unidentified hacker had sent the message from her account. Either way, the reporter has been put on official notice that her online writings and e-mail activities are under surveillance.

Meanwhile, countries as repressive as Myanmar are dedicating significant resources to Internet censorship. The country's technological failure to control the Internet was apparent for all to see when undercover journalists sent footage and reports of the 2007 Saffron Revolution street protests to outside news organizations, forcing the regime to unplug the Internet altogether before its fatal, final crackdown. Still, it's unclear how many undercover journalists the authorities have been identified and jailed as part of their wider crackdown on dissent.

There are indications that Myanmar authorities have since received censorship training from Russian and Chinese officials. Some contend that this explains the mysterious distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on a number of exile media groups' websites last year. Soe Myint, editor of the New Delhi-based Mizzima News, said during a recent presentation in Chiang Mai that the cost to effectively protect his website from future DDoS attacks is beyond his news organization's financial means.

Despite these growing attacks, there is some cause for hope. Human rights organizations, investors and several prominent US Internet companies, including Yahoo!, Google and Microsoft, agreed in a joint initiative last October to follow guidelines to protect online expression and privacy when faced with repressive government requests for user identities or assistance in blocking targeted websites.

Meanwhile, some regional media groups have received foreign assistance to locate their servers anonymously and remotely in second countries to guard against future DDoS attacks. And ever-evolving proxy server and other roundabout firewall technologies continue to put Internet users in countries as isolated as Myanmar a step ahead of government censors.

Yet even with those agreements and technologies, Asia's Internet is a substantially more dangerous space than it was previously. Southeast Asian governments are now responding with bigger budgets and heavier hands to the technological and political challenge presented by online expression. Under that mounting assault, previous high hopes for the medium's democracy-promoting potential have in large measure faded.

Shawn W Crispin is Asia Times Online's Southeast Asia Editor and Asia Program Consultant to the Committee to Protect Journalists. He may be reached at


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    - Cell phone calls from you are not returned in timely fashion

    - Cheating spouse leaves house or goes to other rooms to talk on the telephone

    - Cheating spouse uses computer alone and secretly

    - Cheating spouse asks about your schedule more often than usual

    - Mileage on car is high yet he / she reports only short distance errands

    - Clothes smell of perfume or cologne

    - Cheating spouse gets his / her laundry done independently

    - Unexplained payments on bank statements

    - Cheating spouse has more cash on hand without accountability

    - Cell phone bills contain calls with long duration

    - Cheating spouse now has a phone card but never used one before

    - Cheating wife or husband has unexplained receipts in wallet or purse

    - Cheating spouse has suspicious phone voice-mail messages

    - Cheating spouse has suspicious cell phone numbers stored or dialed

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    4. You are getting phone calls from women who claim that they work with your husband and have to ask him something important. When he picks up the phone he whispers, or tells that person that he'll call later.

    5. All of a sudden he starts exercising and his grooming habits have changed.

    6. You find a long blonde hair on the seat of his car.

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  45. covid19 has been a blessing to me. All along I have been thinking that my wife is a cent and does not do shit that every other woman would do, not knowing that she has been playing on me for a long time now. during the lock-down my wife kept on receiving calls and text messages from strange people and i have been really worried that she might be seeing another man though i have been trying to figure out by going through her phones, but her phones seems to be on lock-mood all the time as i don't want to start making her know my plans by going through her phone without notice and along side i have not been myself. I was able to disclose this to few of my friends and all of them kept on referring me to get in contact with an expert whose email is WhatsApp +1 (424) 209-7204 which I did and in return i didn't regret my contact with this expert hacker. I didn't know a phone could be hacked remotely without getting close contact with the phone, infact i feel impressed and happy!! so thankful to WhatsApp +1 (424) 209-7204 and also my friends who referred me to this hacker.

  46. Hello guys,I came in contact with a specialist and a legit hacker when I found my wife was cheating on me,he also help a friend that was scammed and lost $35000 to them and I referred my friend to him which he help to recover all my friend lost funds he couldn't believe it because my friend has lost hope.if want to reach him contact

  47. Do you need expert help in gaining access/passwords to Facebook, gmail, Instagram, bbm, yahoo-mail, snap-chat, twitter, Hotmail, badoo, zoosk, various blogs, icloud, apple accounts etc. Password retrieval,bitcoins hack and recovery breaching of bank accounts: (for local and international banks, block transfers, make transfers), clear debts, pay for bills at give a way rates also provide cheap Holiday booking, breach of web host servers, firewall breaches, application cracks, change of school grades, professional hacking into institutional servers, clearing of criminal records, mobile airtime recharge, keylogging, smartphone,tablet portable device hacks, pc hacks on any OS and ip tracking and general tracking whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  48. Do you need expert help in gaining access/passwords to Facebook, gmail, Instagram, bbm, yahoo-mail, snap-chat, twitter, Hotmail, badoo, zoosk, various blogs, icloud, apple accounts etc. Password retrieval,bitcoins hack and recovery breaching of bank accounts: (for local and international banks, block transfers, make transfers), clear debts, pay for bills at give a way rates also provide cheap Holiday booking, breach of web host servers, firewall breaches, application cracks, change of school grades, professional hacking into institutional servers, clearing of criminal records, mobile airtime recharge, keylogging, smartphone,tablet portable device hacks, pc hacks on any OS and ip tracking and general tracking whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  49. Hi there,Do you suspect your partner (husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend) might be sneaking behind your back and having an affair?Did he/she cheat on you? Do you want to get back at him/her? Do you need to gain access to his/her phones and e-mails to dig up dirt on him/her?e.t.c.Do you want to hack Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram or any e-mail? Do you want a Computer hack, Mobile hack, server hack e.t.c.Bank transfer to any secure location in the world. contact me philip Brown today at ( whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  50. I thought this hacking thing was a joke until I needed someone to hack into my inheritance. I was introduced to ( by a BritishFriend , He hacked into the Government Treasury and transfer my seized funds to a swiss account without any trace, he also hacked through my cheating husband Facebook account and instagram then, reveal his secrets,and also guarantee that your job will be done. He has helped most of my friends whose name I can"t mention on here, feel free to reach him... whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  51. Beware of scammers i have been scammed 3 times because i was trying to know if my husband was cheating until i met this hacker named; ( who helped me hack into my spouse phone for real this great hacker hacked into my spouse whats-app messages,Facebook messages.text messages,call logs,deleted text messages,bitcoin recovery and bank transfer hack,clear criminals records,and many more i was impressed with his job and he brought me results under 24 hours believe me he is real and his services are cheap and affordable. whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  52. I've lost thousands to these fake hackers, please don't fall for any of them, it's taken me months to find a genuine hacker who's services are cheap and affordables. Thank you cyprushacker! you and your crew are the bomb ,the work you did on my spouse's accounts was simply phenomenal! Hey if you ever need to get into your spouse's account, improve credit points, clear criminal records,tax, protection from spyware or simply have a score to settle or any other issues that need addressing, completely secure and fast!!contact by email..... ( whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204 don't forget to tell him Elizebeth Willams refer you to him.
    Thank you.

  53. The hack i purchased from WhatsApp +1 (424) 209-7204 on April 5 2020 just expired today being December 1th 2020 it has really been an amazing journey so far i got to monitor everything my spouse has been doing on his phone for 9months and am really happy about the phone hack because with the hack can not be traced. Thank you so much i never regretted my contact with you

  54. As long as am alive i will never stop using the service of wizard cyprus because he's very reliable and i can bet with my life that 100% of people out there that have used wizardcyprus service can testify of the good and smart job. well i am one of them sharing my testimony, God will bless you wizardcyprus. you have made a lot of wounded marriages and relationships stand back. I am grateful... contact: WhatsApp +1 (424) 209-7204


  55. Beware of scammers i have been scammed 3 times because i was trying to know if my husband was cheating until i met this hacker named; ( who helped me hack into my spouse phone for real this great hacker hacked into my spouse whats-app messages,Facebook messages.text messages,call logs,deleted text messages,bitcoin recovery and bank transfer hack,clear criminals records,and many more i was impressed with his job and he brought me results under 24 hours believe me he is real and his services are cheap and affordable. whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  56. I lost my bitcoin to fake impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.0938 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I made a research online and found a recovery expert , with the contact address- WhatsApp +1 (424) 209-7204

    I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well.

  57. I write in tears and yet joy in my heart 'cos I brought that scumbag of a BF down after hiring ( He was my savior, he is so good at what he does, though quite expensive but IT WAS WORTH IT AT THE END. Hey ladies! Let's say NO to cheats, expose your partner today by hiring ( He is very reliable as I choose him over other hackers I met 'cos all others scammed me... or whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204


  58. I thought this hacking thing was a joke until I needed someone to hack into my inheritance. I was introduced to ( by a BritishFriend , He hacked into the Government Treasury and transfer my seized funds to a swiss account without any trace, he also hacked through my cheating husband Facebook account and instagram then, reveal his secrets,and also guarantee that your job will be done. He has helped most of my friends whose name I can"t mention on here, feel free to reach him... whatsapp +1 (424) 209-7204

  59. i was lost with no hope for my wife was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or

    always too scared to pin anything on her. with the help a friend who recommended me to who help hack her phone,

    email, chat, sms and expose her for a cheater she is. I just want to say a big thank you to

    SUPERIOR.HACK@GMAIL.COM . am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, you can also contact him for all sorts of hacking job..he is fast and reliable. you could also text +1 213-295-1376(whatsapp) contact and thank me later

  60. I want to publicly appreciate the effort of ( for helping me hack my partner's facebook, whatsapp and I was able to listen to his incoming and outgoing calls in real time, read text messages without physical access to His phone in less than 24 hours and my partner did not know. he helped me immensely relieving some pressure of infidelity from my spouse. The evidence helped me in the court during divorced and everything worked in my favor.Trust me ( is solely the best.

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  64. Hello, my name is Evans from the United Kingdom am here to give a testimonial on how I meet one of the best Hacker so far on my incredible moment of pain I lost a huge amount of money to a fake investor, I invested 105,000 USD to this investment company with my belief that I will have a huge return when it was time for me to get my return they company no longer pick my calls or reply to my email I was so devasted that my sister saw my pain and sad sorrow she have no choice than to introduce me to this great hacker called Wizard Brixton. I tell him everything about my situation and he asked for the company email address and the mobile number he promises to help me retrieval my funds if I will be able to cooperate and give him the vital information needed less than 24 hours he was able to give me the necessary details about the company and how he will get my funds back without the company approval. Contact him: WhatsApp with (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) I was very happy when he recovered all my funds and gave me 2% of the profit the company could have given to me . so I promise to make him go viral for everyone to contact him in different aspects of hacking software program in your life he proves the best in his job CONTACT HIM:

  65. It is a shame how people come in contact with fake hackers, I was a victim too until I met Wizard Schwartz Hacker . He helped me when I needed him the most. His charges are so minimal I decided to help promote him. Some of the services he renders include the following:

    ++ Boost your credit score
    ++ Identify & Track fake hackers
    ++ Recover funds from fake hackers.
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    ++ Website and database hack
    ++ Erasure of criminal record
    ++ Bank account hack
    ++ Track a cheating mate/hack their phones
    ++ Software cracking
    ++ Grade system hack
    ++ Bitcoin mining and recovery and lots more. He is the best in what he does.

    CONTACT HIM :, WhatsApp:+1 704-313-9661
