Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Dhani Jones Remains a Crazy Person

Philadelphia Citypaper

by James Beale
Monday, March 9th, 2009

Dhani Jones, the one time Eagles linebacker remembered around these parts for his colorful personality (he started a high end bow-tie business, has written for ESPN, and used to bike to practices) and decent play (he started on the Super Bowl team but never really stood out on the field) has moved on from professional football to his next career as a reality TV Superstar.

Jones and the Travel Channel have teamed up for a show entitled Dhani Tackles the Globe. In it Dhani travels the world trying his luck at sports that still obscure in America. His trials include Pelota in the Basque region of Spain, Hurling in Ireland, and something called Pradal Serey in Cambodia.

I don’t know how I’ve missed this until now, it combines a nonsensical concept, a local hook, and sports I’m unfamiliar with. Needless to say I’m very excited to catch up.

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