Friday, 20 March 2009

Kidnap accused escapes court

Ollies Siaea

TVNZ ( New Zealand)

Friday March 20, 2009
Source: NZPA

A South Auckland man charged with kidnap escaped from Manukau District Court after his appearance on Friday

Ollies Siaea, 31, a shopkeeper, was considered dangerous and should not be approached, police say.

Siaea appeared in court accused of kidnapping a 24-year-old Cambodian man.

His bail application was rejected and Siaea, who was not represented, was remanded in custody until Monday for a lawyer to be appointed and bail reconsidered.

The kidnap happened on on Wednesday night, apparently in a bid to get money.

Outside court, police confirmed a ransom had been paid to free the hostage and the money had been recovered.

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