Thursday, 26 March 2009

Trouble on the Thai-Cambodian border

Beijing News.Net

Thursday 26th March, 2009

Thai and Cambodian troops have stood down near a 900-year-old Hindu temple.

Cambodian officials have said Thai soldiers withdrew peacefully after a dispute arose near the Preah Vihear temple.

100 armed Thai soldiers entered a disputed area on Wednesday, for what they said was a routine troop movement on the border.

While Thai officials have assured the other side their border rotation was not a hostile act, the Cambodian military has been on alert since a fire-fight last year triggered a military build-up on both sides of the border.

One Thai and three Cambodian soldiers were killed in last year’s exchange of rifle fire

Preah Vihear sits on the natural border between the two countries and has been a source of tension for many years.

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