Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Khmer Rouge torturer apologises

VOV News

Former Khmer Rouge prison chief Duch, admitted responsibility on March 31 for crimes at the notorious jail he ran and begged for forgiveness, but said he had acted to protect his own family.

Duch, who is also known as Kaing Guek Eav, asked during his UN-backed war trial, for the families of the regime’s victims to forgive him.

At the same time, he insisted that he had not held a senior role in the brutal 1975-79 regime blamed for the deaths of up to 2 million Cambodians.

Duch’s defence team demanded that he be allowed to address the court after prosecutors had spent the morning outlining their case against him for war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture and premeditated murder.

But while he expressed his regrets for running the detention centre which killed up to 15,000 people, he insisted that his role was much more minor than that portrayed by prosecutors.

Meanwhile, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on March 31 warned that his country would be plunged back into civil war if the current UN-backed Khmer Rouge genocide court pursued any more suspects.


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