Monday, 27 April 2009

Khmer Studies: Founding director leaves CKS

Written by Robbie Corey-Bohulet
Monday, 27 April 2009

THE CENTRE for Khmer Studies (CKS) announced last week the departure of Philippe Peycam, its founding director who for the past decade proved "instrumental in attracting funding from major international donations and private patrons" that allowed the centre to grow "from a startup to a mature institution", a press release announcing the departure stated. The CKS, with offices in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, is the only member of the Council of American Overseas Research Centres in Southeast Asia. Its projects include the CKS Library in Siem Reap, the largest public library outside the capital, as well as academic fellowships for Cambodian and international scholars. According to the press release, Peycam actively encouraged young Cambodian students to study abroad. Son Soubert, a member of Cambodia's Constitutional Council, said, "As a Cambodian, I express my sincere appreciation for his dedication to promoting a new generation of Khmer scholars.''

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