Wednesday, 27 May 2009

From the Cambodia Mission Team

Pictured L to R are Scott Mehren, Taylor McQuilliams, Troy Dean, Josh Sway, Samantha Jessup, Elizabeth Bernados, Jason LaFarge, Nancy Trifilo, Kaleasha Johnson, Joni Johnson, Ciandra Kouklis, Glen Gibson


By smhaut

This is the first in a series of reports from a Cambodia Mission Team working over in Battambang, Cambodia. The team consists of students from William Jessup University as well as three members of One Life Church in Lincoln.

"After 24 hours of travel – starting in Rocklin and ending in Battambang, Cambodia – not counting layovers, our team has settled into life and ministry in Cambodia. Even though our afternoon activities were rained out today we have already visited two local churches in the Battambang area where we shared testimonies, sang, prayed, made some crafts, and just had fun and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Their stories are inspiring to us and we hope we have been an encouragement to them.

After church on Sunday we climbed 358 steps to visit the ruins of a Buddhist temple on top of a local mountain. We were glad to learn more about the beliefs of the Cambodian people but we were also reminded of the hopeless situation of those many people who have yet to put their trust in Jesus Christ.

A great deal of time has also been spent at the Hope Bible Institute over the last three days. There we have played with (simple games, soccer, volleyball, etc), prayed with, and talked with (as much as we can with the language barrier) the students and leaders at the Institute. Yesterday we witnessed more than 50 people be baptized in the pond behind the Institute. Today a Leadership Training Seminar started with over 300 people attending. It is exciting to see the growth of the church in a place that was in such a desperate situation just 25 years ago (Remember the Killing Fields). We have met many who survived that horrible time – from all sides of the conflict. It is wonderful to see how God has brought them together in Jesus Christ. Now they serve him side by side!

Over the next three days we will continue to spend time with the people attending the seminar. Glen and Troy will be teaching in the afternoon sessions. We will also visit more churches seeking to encourage and learn from them."

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