Sunday, 17 May 2009

Kedah Veteran MAYC Continues Mission In Cambodia

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 (Bernama) -- The Kedah Veterans of the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs (MAYC) will hold a humanitarian mission in the village of Praksandai Kratie Province, Cambodia, following a similar success last year.

Kedah Veterans MAYC president, Fazilah Ismail said the six-day mission starting June 19 would involve 25 members.

"The mission is a follow-up to our previous effort, and it is our promise to the villagers there to return from time to time, especially to give them more knowledge on religion," he told Bernama here Saturday.

Previously, the association with the cooperation of Yayasan Salam Malaysia (Salam) held a similar mission towards the end of last year, to help the Muslim community there.

"We will also bring donations from the public such as prayer veils (telekong), sarongs and financial aid," he said.


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