Friday, 1 May 2009

Speed detectors to be deployed on Monday

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Khoun Leakhana
Friday, 01 May 2009

PHNOM Penh Traffic Police are to begin using new speed detectors and cameras Monday in an effort to crack down on speeding, deputy traffic police Chief Chev Hak told the Post Thursday.

"We have two types of devices for this operation," Chev Hak said.

"One type is for taking pictures of plate numbers, and the other type is for detecting speed."

He said the traffic police had been given five speed detectors and one camera.

The devices, which Chev Hak said cost about US$20,000 each, were donated by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

He said the traffic police would rotate the equipment through various locations.

He said the speed limit for motorbike drivers is 30 kph and that drivers caught exceeding the limit could be fined up to 6,000 riels ($1.46).

The speed limit for automobiles is 40 kph and the maximum speeding fine is 12,000 riels.

For trucks, which have the same speed limit as automobiles, the maximum speeding fine is 25,000 riels.

For all types of vehicles, the maximum fine will be levied against drivers reaching speeds of 70 to 80 kph.

He said data collected by the traffic police indicated that 288 of the 700 road accidents reported in the capital last year were directly linked to speeding.

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