Thursday, 4 June 2009

Cambodia Marks 15th World Environment Day

Web Editor: Qin Mei

Cambodia on Wednesday marked the 15th world Environment Day, two days a head of its day of June 5.

"We have to join together to protect good environment for our country, and each person has the task to help environment protection, even in a school and a family," Mok Mareth, Cambodian minister of environment, said in the ceremony of celebrating the World Environment Day in a school with hundreds of students.

"We have to consider about the risks from the environment that always has on earth planet and today it reminds the people around the world to take care of the environment for the benefit of the next generations," he added.

Prime Minister Hun Sen also made a speech of the day, saying that "Cambodia is an agricultural country that is easy to suffer from the climate change and global warming which will result in irregular seasons like rainy, drought, flood, storm and famine."

"The Cambodian government has recognized the importance of environment protection," he said, adding that as a member of the Kyoto Treaty, Cambodia has created 23 places, amount to 4 million hectares of land, as nature preservation zone of the country.

The bad environment not only affects economic growth and society, but also causes people to death and losing property," Hun Sen said.

The premier stressed "Cambodia needs to keep 60 per cent of forestry covering the country and it is our target in the Millennium Development Goals. We have to protect our water resources to use appropriate ways and try to reduce the water pollution."

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